Can't get information from Database

I hope that you can help me

first file

func (b *Auth) GetInfo(login string) {
	var auth models.Auth

	if strings.Contains(login, "@") {
		auth = db.GetDb().
			Select("id, cell_phone, email").
			Where("email = ?", login).

		return auth

	} else {
		auth = db.GetDb().
			Select("id, cell_phone, email").
			Where("phone = ?", login).

		return auth

second file

type Auth struct {
	ID               int    `json:"id"`
	ExtID            string `json:"ext_id"`
	CellPhone        string `json:"cell_phone"`
	Email            string `json:"email"`

func Authentication(ctx *gin.Context) {

	login := ctx.Query("login")

	authentication := models.Auth{}
	ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, authentication)


third file

func main() {
	router := gin.Default()
core := router.Group("/api/private")
		core.GET("/profile", info.Authentication)

I receive response body with empty field
create table + insert i won’t show
What i need to change?

What is getdriverinfo? If this is just a typo and you actually mean get info, then you should use it’s return value instead of omitting it. Or change the b in the method instead of creating a new Auth struct.

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