Cannot find module providing package

Trying to learn gRPC in GO from here, so I the code git uploaded enter link description here, which is containing 3 folders:

  • server
  • client
  • hellopb (which is the go code generated from the porto3 code

In both, server.go and client.go I have the below:

package main

import (


But once I’m running go mod tidy I’m getting the below error:

PS D:\Documents\grpc\client> go mod tidy
go: finding module for package imports cannot find module providing package unrecognized import path "": parse no go-import meta tags ()

What could be the issue here, and how to fix it?

Sorry it is my mistake, I used while I should use, so I fixed the module names and path, cleaned the module imports using:

go clean -modcache

Then reimporting required modules using:

go mod tidy
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