Calling JavaScript event from GO WebAssembly

In JavaScript events are vey common that can be called as:

<p id="p_id">
</p><button id="some_id">Click me</button>

var element=document.querySelector("#some_id")
var listener=element.addEventListener('click',function(event){  
     document.querySelector("#p_id").innerHTML = "Hello World";                   

// OR
<p id="p_id">
<button onclick="some_function()">Click me</button>

function some_function() {
  document.querySelector("#p_id").innerHTML = "Hello World";

I aware with typical JS functions, we can use js.Global().Get().Call() and js.Global().Get().Invoke() in GO, as:

//go:build js && wasm

package main

import (

var (
	document js.Value

func init() {
	document = js.Global().Get("document")


func main() {
	c := make(chan int) // channel to keep the wasm running, it is not a library as in rust/c/c++, so we need to keep the binary running
    alert := js.Global().Get("alert")
    h1 := document.Call("createElement", "h1")
	h1.Set("innerText", "This is H1")
	h1.Get("style").Call("setProperty", "background-color", "blue")


To add eventListner from GO, I know we can do it as:

var cb js.Func
cb = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
	fmt.Println("button clicked")
	cb.Release() // release the function if the button will not be clicked again
	return nil
js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", "myButton").Call("addEventListener", "click", cb)

What I’m looking for, is how to response from GO to the even that is triggered in JavaScript.

What I’m looking for, is how to response from GO to the even that is triggered in JavaScript.

To wrap up, how can I write a go code to do the same of the JavaScript code below (Which is using IndexedDB API):

function remove() {
    var request = db.transaction(["employee"], "readwrite")
    request.onsuccess = function(event) {
       alert("Kenny's entry has been removed from your database.");

Any thought?