Binary Search Trees [Feedback Please]

I have been working on nailing down the Binary Search Tree over the past couple days and about a day ago a coding challenge landed in my inbox that used a binary tree.

Below is the link to the Go Playground with the code. I would love feedback on what I could do to make it better (I know better is subjective…)

The challenge read:

Two nodes in a binary tree can be called cousins if they are on the same level of the tree but have different parents. For example, in the following diagram 4 and 6 are cousins.

   / \
  2   3
 / \   \
4   5   6

Given a binary tree and a particular node, find all cousins of that node.

Link to the code:

The tree in my code is visualized as:

     /    \
    5      15
   / \    /  \
  2   6  12   22
 / \   \        \
1   4   7        25
