Binary package CRLF problem [RE-OPENED]

Friend, I guess you didn’t understand my question, maybe because of my english.

This is not a valid packet;

78 78 1f 12 11 02 0d 0a

This is a valid one;

78 78 1f 12 11 02 0d 0a 04 1e c9 01 c5 3d 4a 05 4d b6 8c 00 38 14 02 d4 06 0c 5a 00 7a 79 00 12 ff 0e 0d 0a

Explaining the packet;

7878 = beginning
1f 12 11 02 0d 0a 04 1e c9 01 c5 3d 4a 05 4d b6 8c 00 38 14 02 d4 06 0c 5a 00 7a 79 00 12 = data
ff 0e = crc16 checksum
0d0a = end

If you put 1f1211020d0a041ec901c53d4a054db68c00381402d4060c5a007a790012 in any crc16 calc tool, you’ll see it’s a valid packet, so that packages could have 0d0a inside the data, because data is not converted into string as the end of the packet is.

If you put it into this tool, select HEX and click “Calc CRC-16”, you will see that the checksum matches the CRC-16/X-25 result;


PS. I have all of this working for 6 years in a Delphi service application, and it works. If there is any way to get if there’s nothing after “0d0a”… That would be a way to know this is the packet end.


Wow, what a complex data format. So the logic is

  1. if you find 0d 0a, then the two bytes preceeding that are the crc16 of the entire string from 78 78 til 0d 0a.
  2. If the checksum doesn’t match then either this is not the end of the line, keep reading or the data so far is corrupt. In which case ???
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What does your delphi code look like, it might simpler to start from there.

This packet brings all the information about the tracker, every single byte inside this part of the packet, should not be converted to string, I mean, some bytes in this part are converted into binary string, decimal, etc… So, the 0d0a at the end of the packet means “\r\n”, in the middle of the packet it’s different. Explaining the “1f1211020d0a041ec901c53d4a054db68c00381402d4060c5a007a790012” data;

1f = Packet length converted to decimal.
12 = Message type.
11020d0a041e = GPS date and time

I’m not gonna explain the whole packet now, otherwise my post would be too big, but below you have an explanation about “gps date and time” data, where 0d0a appears;

Every single byte should be converted to decimal;

11 = Year
02 =Month
0d = Day
0a = Hour
04 = Minute
1e = Second


11 = 17
02 = 02
0d = 13
0a = 10
04 = 04
1e = 30

17-02-13 10:04:30


procedure TServicoAccurateGT06.IdTCPServer1Execute(AContext: TIdContext);
    ConAux: PConexao;
    RxBuf: TIdBytes;
    crcCalculado, crcPacote, InfoSerialNum: String;
    ThreadID: Cardinal;

    Rec, ack, Imei, strCmd, TipoMsg, GPSValido, Longitude, Latitude,
    Velocidade, Ignicao, AntiFurto, Saida1, Saida2, Saida3, Saida4,
    Panico, Entrada1, Entrada2, Entrada3, Entrada4,
    Direcao, ConexaoGPRS, FalhaAntenaGPS,
    VelocidadeMaximaExcedida, BateriaCarregando, FalhaBateriaInterna, FalhaAlimentacaoPrincipal,
    Movendo, Tensao, Hodometro, Horimetro, IndiceUltimaPosicao, TerminalInfo, NivelSinalGSM, CursoStatus: String;
    DataHora: TDatetime;
    IdMotorista, IdVeiculo, IndicePosicao, GrauAngulo: Integer;
    UltimaPosicao, PosicaoAtual: TPonto;
    Query, queryUltimaPosicao: TADOQuery;
    RegistraALerta, ackTerminalBloqueio, ackTerminalDesbloqueio, LatitudeNegativa, LongitudeNegativa: Boolean;
      RxBuf := nil;
      with AContext.Connection.IOHandler do

        if not InputBufferIsEmpty then
          ThreadID := TIdYarnOfThread(AContext.Yarn).Thread.ThreadID;
          Rec := ToHex(RxBuf);

We use a library called Indy, I need only that code to get received packets…

Right, this is good information. As this format contains a length header, you probably don’t want to treat it like a string of bytes with 0d 0a as a terminator instead do something like this (not tested)

var header [3]byte
err := ioutil.ReadFull(header[:])

// check that header[0] and header[1] contain 78 
length := header[2] // i'm not sure how to do this conversion
body := make([]byte, length)
err := ioutil.ReadFull(body)

body, trailer := body[:len(body)-2], body[len(body)-2:] // trim of the trailer
// check that trailer[0] == 0d and trailer[1] == 0a

I’m new to GO. Could you explain what everyline does on that solution you posted? I’m confusing about this line;

body, trailer := body[:len(body)-2], body[len(body)-2:]

Splits the body to body (2 bytes before the end) and trailer (last 2 bytes)

This one worked perfectly, the only problem is when it finds a 0a in the middle of the string;

// Read client data from channel
func (c *Client) listen() {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(c.conn)
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
	var rst []byte
	for scanner.Scan() {
		bytes := scanner.Bytes()

		if bytes[0] == 0x78 && bytes[1] == 0x78 {
			tampac := int(bytes[2]) + 1
			rst = make([]byte, tampac)
			for i := 2; i < tampac+2; i++ {
				rst[i-2] = bytes[i]
		c.Server.onNewMessage(c, strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(rst)))

The length + 1 I’m using is because the crc calc needs the packet length byte too, I gotta include it, so,if I my packet is


I need


Maybe searching for ‘\0’?

Stop using bufio.Scanner, this will not work for your application

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Then post an example on here… I can’t find example or any information in nowhere… Could you help me?


Binary package CRLF problem [RE-OPENED]

Hey @leogazio,

Here’s something I threw together for you, but I haven’t read all of the other posts so if I’m forgetting something then let me know. Otherwise it should give you a good starting point.

package main

import (

func main() {
	packet := []byte{0x78, 0x78, 0x1f, 0x12, 0x11, 0x02, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x01, 0xc5, 0x3d, 0x4a, 0x05, 0x4d, 0xb6, 0x8c, 0x00, 0x38, 0x14, 0x02, 0xd4, 0x06, 0x0c, 0x5a, 0x00, 0x7a, 0x79, 0x00, 0x12, 0xff, 0x0e, 0x0d, 0x0a}

	var hdr [3]byte
	r := bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(packet))

	// Read into the header.
	n, err := r.Read(hdr[:])

	// Make sure 3 bytes were read into the header.
	if n < 3 || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		log.Fatalln("invalid packet header")

	// Make sure first 2 bytes are 0x78.
	if hdr[0] != 0x78 || hdr[1] != 0x78 {
		log.Fatalln("packet header start is not 0x78 0x78")

	// Get packet length.
	ln := int(hdr[2])

	data := make([]byte, ln)
	n, err = r.Read(data)
	if n != ln || err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

	// Extract the crc from the last 2 bytes of the data.
	crc := data[len(data)-2:]

	// Read the final 2 bytes from the packet's end.
	end := make([]byte, 2)
	n, err = r.Read(end)
	if n != 2 || err != nil {
		log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

	// Make sure the 2 end bytes are correct.
	if end[0] != 0x0d || end[1] != 0x0a {
		log.Fatalln("packet end is not 0x0d 0x0a")

	fmt.Printf("header: %x\ndata: %x\ncrc: %x\nend: %x\n", hdr, data, crc, end)


header: 78781f data: 1211020d0a041ec901c53d4a054db68c00381402d4060c5a007a790012ff0e crc: ff0e end: 0d0a


Hey Benjamin, guys, It’s almost done, that code on playground works, but when I put in into my TCP, the first condition doing header validation returns true and stops execution, but at the end I get the right package, below, how is my code now;

// Read client data from channel
func (c *Client) listen() {
	reader := bufio.NewReader(c.conn)

	for {
		var hdr [3]byte
		//r := bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(reader))
		r := bufio.NewReader(reader)

		// Read into the header.
		n, err := r.Read(hdr[:])

		// Make sure 3 bytes were read into the header.
		if n < 3 || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			log.Fatalln("invalid packet header")

		// Make sure first 2 bytes are byte 78.
		if hdr[0] != 0x78 && hdr[1] != 0x78 {
			log.Fatalln("packet header start is not 78 78")

		// Get packet length.
		ln := int(hdr[2])

		data := make([]byte, ln)
		n, err = r.Read(data)
		if n != ln || err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

		// Extract the crc from the last 2 bytes of the data.
		//	crc := data[len(data)-2:]

		// Read the final 2 bytes from the packet's end.
		end := make([]byte, 2)
		n, err = r.Read(end)
		if n != n || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

		// Make sure the 2 end bytes are correct.
		if end[0] != 0x0d && end[1] != 0x0a {
			log.Fatalln("packet end is not 0x0d 0x0a")

		strpacote := fmt.Sprintf("%x%x%x", hdr, data, end)
		c.Server.onNewMessage(c, strings.ToUpper(strpacote))

I even tried to wireshark it, below package used, but it happens even with the same tested package on here. What should it be?


It’s almost working, tnx.

Hey @leogazio,

I noticed you are using:

reader := bufio.NewReader(c.conn)

and then wrapping that in another buffered reader.

I’m not sure if it will fix it, but try this first:

reader := bytes.NewReader(c.conn)


Also please check my updated code, since I replaced some of the parts like this:

if hdr[0] != 0x78 && hdr[1] != 0x78 { ... }


if hdr[0] != 0x78 || hdr[1] != 0x78 { ... }
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Where you want to read exaxtly n bytes, use io.ReadFull witn a slices of n bytes.

If your program hangs, send SIGQUIT (or hit Ctrl-\) to have it quit and print out the stacktrace.
From there you can inspect where have your program stuck.


I tried to replace this piece;

reader := bytes.NewReader(c.conn)

But I’m getting a compilation error;
".\servidor_tcp.go:56: cannot use c.conn (type net.Conn) as type []byte in argument to bytes.NewReader"

Seems like bytes.NewReader used []byte type argument. Is there a way to fix it?

Now my code is like that;

	reader := bytes.NewReader(c.conn)

	for {
		var hdr [3]byte
		r := bufio.NewReader(reader)


Oh whoops, didn’t even think about that, just leave it as 1 buffered reader and for the first part, I suggest using io.ReadFull from the buffered reader like others have suggested :slight_smile:


So basically the first part would be something like this:

var hdr [3]byte

r := bufio.NewReader(c.conn)

// Read into the header.
n, err := io.ReadFull(r, hdr[:])

// Make sure 3 bytes were read into the header.
if n < 3 || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
	log.Fatalln("invalid packet header")
1 Like

I’m still getting the same problem, below full code;

// Read client data from channel
func (c *Client) listen() {
	for {
		var hdr [3]byte

		r := bufio.NewReader(c.conn)

		// Read into the header.
		n, err := io.ReadFull(r, hdr[:])

		// Make sure 3 bytes were read into the header.
		if n < 3 || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			log.Fatalln("invalid packet header")

		// Make sure first 2 bytes are byte 78.
		if hdr[0] != 0x78 || hdr[1] != 0x78 {
			log.Fatalln("packet header start is not 78 78")

		// Get packet length.
		ln := int(hdr[2])

		data := make([]byte, ln)
		n, err = r.Read(data)
		if n != ln || err != nil {
			log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

		// Extract the crc from the last 2 bytes of the data.
		//	crc := data[len(data)-2:]

		// Read the final 2 bytes from the packet's end.
		end := make([]byte, 2)
		n, err = r.Read(end)
		if n != n || err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			log.Fatalln("error reading packet data, %v", err)

		// Make sure the 2 end bytes are correct.
		if end[0] != 0x0d && end[1] != 0x0a {
			log.Fatalln("packet end is not 0x0d 0x0a")

		strpacote := fmt.Sprintf("%x%x%x", hdr, data, end)
		c.Server.onNewMessage(c, strings.ToUpper(strpacote))


Can you try to explain a little better what the actual problem is?

Just because this is confusing to me:

Because if it stopped execution, how are you getting to the end and receiving the right packet?

Can you please also display any actual errors you are receiving?