Best practice or idead to get nested return JSON from the query result

I’ve cases that return a nested json. sample

type Post struct{
  ID int json:"id"
  Title string json:"title"
  Author Author json:"author"
  Comment []Comment json:"comment"
type Author struct {
  ID int json:"id"
  Name string json:"name"
type Comment struct {
  ID int json:"id"
  Text string json:"text"

and the return should be

  "total_result" : 50,
  "current_page" : 1,
  "posts" : [
    "title" : "title 1",
    "author" : [
         "name" : "author 1",
      "comment" : [
         {"text" : "commentary 1.1"}, {"text" : "commentary 1.2"}, ....
    "title" : "title 2",
    "author" : [
         "name" : "author 2",
      "comment" : [
        {"text" : "commentary 2.1"}, {"text" : "commentary 2.2"}, ....

my question is, is this a good idea to execute a query like this :

query := "query that gets the post data with limit and offset of course"
rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, query)
//handle error
var record []Post
for rows.Next(){
  var post Post
  if err := rows.Scan(&post....) {..}
  record = append(record, post)

then, I do for-loop to get the author

for i := 0; i < len(record); i++ {
    var author Author
   query = "select id,name from authors where id=$1"
   rows, err :=  db.QueryContext(ctx, query, record[i].Id)
  //handel error
   //scan data to author
   record[i].Author.Id = author.Id
   record[i].Author.Name = author.Name

same process to get comments if the post has comments.

but, I’m just thinking about how can I do with just 1 process to get the Author and the Comments. it’s like while I scan the first query (select posts query) and then I do looping inside of
for rows.Next()
post scan process, but I got fail because the first query should be rows.Close(). but when I do that, the Scan process can’t process because the connection is over.

Thanks in advance everyone

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