[ASK] Decoding json to slices but the keys is dynamic

Hi guys,

I want to read data from json and convert it into slices. i already surf the google but all of them just gave me an example for static key. in my case, i need to grab slices inside dynamic key.

here is the json response :

            "title":"WordPress 4.3-4.7 - Potential Remote Command Execution (RCE) in PHPMailer",

note : key 4.7 is dynamic.

and here is my current progress :

package main

import (


type Results struct {
	Four_7 struct {
		ChangelogURL    string `json:"changelog_url"`
		ReleaseDate     string `json:"release_date"`
		Vulnerabilities []struct {
			CreatedAt     string `json:"created_at"`
			FixedIn       string `json:"fixed_in"`
			ID            int    `json:"id"`
			PublishedDate string `json:"published_date"`
			References    struct {
				URL []string `json:"url"`
			} `json:"references"`
			Title     string `json:"title"`
			UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
			VulnType  string `json:"vuln_type"`
		} `json:"vulnerabilities"`
	} `json:"4.7"`

func main() {
	file := openFile("response.txt")
	res := &Results{}
	_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(file), res)

func openFile(file string) string {
	zfile, _ := os.Open(file)
	data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(zfile)
	return string(data)

any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:



Well, that’s easy: unpack to a map[string]yourStruct!


package main

type myStruct struct {
	ChangelogURL    string `json:"changelog_url"`
		ReleaseDate     string `json:"release_date"`
		Vulnerabilities []struct {
			CreatedAt     string `json:"created_at"`
			FixedIn       string `json:"fixed_in"`
			ID            int    `json:"id"`
			PublishedDate string `json:"published_date"`
			References    struct {
				URL []string `json:"url"`
			} `json:"references"`
			Title     string `json:"title"`
			UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at"`
			VulnType  string `json:"vuln_type"`
		} `json:"vulnerabilities"`

func main() {
  const example = `your json example`
  var target map[string]myStruct
  if err := json.Unmarshal(example, &target); err != nil {
    fmt.Println("oops: ", err)

Edit: go playground link

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