Announcing an open source project for read HOCON as environment variables

Read HOCON Files as Environment Variables in Go

Hey Gophers,

I’m excited to share Hoconenv, a simple Go library that lets you load HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) files as environment variables. I built this as a quick Sunday night project, but I think it could be useful for anyone working with HOCON configs in Go.

Why I Built This

I often work with HOCON in other projects, but I couldn’t find a simple way to load it directly into environment variables in Go. So I built Hoconenv in one night as a fun project.

Looking for Feedback

Since this is my first time announcing a project, I’d love to hear your feedback! Is this useful? Any improvements or features you’d like to see? Feel free to open an issue or contribute!

:pushpin: GitHub: Hoconenv

Looking forward to your thoughts! :blush: