Android VPN Client

Hello! I am writing an Outline VPN client for Android in the Go language and use outline-go-tun2SOCKS (outline-apps/client/go at master · Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps · GitHub). In order to connect with the server on Android, I need a TUN file descriptor (outline-apps/client/go/outline/tun2socks/tunnel_android.go at master · Jigsaw-Code/outline-apps · GitHub) is created on Android using VpnService (VpnService  |  Android Developers). But it cannot be launched from Go (tun2socks package - - Go Packages), so I try to use Gomobile Bind (gobind command - - Go Packages) to create a method working on Go and calling vpnservice, which is made
on Kotlin. However, during the compilation of Gomobile Bind, errors occur. Could you please, help me with that? Any help would be much appreciated!!

Perhaps you should consider packaging your go program as a so library to be called by Kotlin.
On the mobile side, Golang does not recommend that you implement too many mobile features through Golang, but rather recommends that you turn your program into a call library for mobile users to call. This means you have to write native mobile code, not golang.