Alternate asterisks square

Hi there, i’m trying to do a pretty simple exercise but I don’t know how to solve the problem; the text exercise is:
Write a program that reads from standard input an integer number n and that, as shown in the Execution example, prints to video a square of n lines consisting each of n symbols interspersed with spaces, alternating between them lines consisting only of symbols * (asterisk) interspersed with spaces and lines consisting only of symbols + (plus) interspersed with spaces.
Tip: You can use two nested loops and use the % operator to distinguish even lines from odd lines.
Execution example:
Enter a number: 5

the code that I’ve wrote is:

package main
import “fmt”
func main() {

var n int
var riga int
var riga2 int

fmt.Println("Enter a number: ")

for riga = 1; riga <= n; riga++ {
    for riga2 = 1; riga2 <= n; riga2++ {
    for riga2 = 1; riga2 <= n; riga2++ {


Anyone can help? I can’t use the operator %, how can I use it?

Execution example is not visible, so I add an image:

Apply the % operator within the your outer loop to the counter. % yields the remainder of integer division. You should be able to use that to distinguish odd numbered rows from even numbered rows.


Yes, you do not need the % operator to alternate the ouput.
The code could be something like

package main

import "fmt"

func printRow(ch byte, numcols int) {
	for i := 0; i < numcols; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%c ", ch)

func printPattern(n int) {
	var ch byte = '*'
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		printRow(ch, n)
		if ch == '*' {
			ch = '+'
		} else {
			ch = '*'

func main() {
	n := 5
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Of course you can avoid using %, but the OP’s exercise included instructions to use it, and she asked how it could be used.

When answering a question that looks like a homework problem, I like to point in the correct direction rather than giving the solution.

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That’s exactly what I had to do, thank you so much!

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