Accessing to struct methods from within another struct's methods


I want to access a struct’s methods (Service.DoThis/DoThat) from within another struct’s methods (Operator.OperateThis/OperateThat). This can be easily done by injecting Service into Operator which is what I am currently doing but I want to avoid it - see the dummy example below please. I simply don’t want to see Service struct in Operator. Is this possible? If so, what is the nicest/cleanest way?

Ideally, I don’t want to inject anything into Operator. However, I can live with injecting anything other than the Service. I looked into variables/types as functions but I couldn’t progress. The critical point here is that, the Service is instantiated once and I want to keep the reference of it.



package main

import "log"

func main() {
	operator := &Operator{}

	if err := operator.OperateThis(); err != nil {

	if err := operator.OperateThat(); err != nil {


package main

type Connection struct {
	// ...
// ...


package main

type Service struct {
	connection *Connection
	// ...

func StartService(operator *Operator) {
	// ...
	// ...

func (s *Service) DoThis() error {
	// ...
	return nil

func (s *Service) DoThat() error {
	// ...
	return nil

// ...

func (s *Service) obtainConnection() {
	s.connection = &Connection{}


package main

import "log"

type Operator struct {
	service *Service

func (o *Operator) SetService(service *Service) {
	o.service = service

func (o *Operator) OperateThis() error {
	if err := o.service.DoThis(); err != nil {

	log.Println("operated this")
	return nil

func (o *Operator) OperateThat() error {
	if err := o.service.DoThat(); err != nil {

	log.Println("operated that")
	return nil

if you change the struct fields with functions, you can use interfaces to hide what you want.

type Operator interface {
    OperateThis() error
    OperateThat() error
type Service struct {
	operator Operator
	// ...

func StartService(operator Operator) {
	// ...
	// ...

The other thing is that those structs are very closely coupled. The Service knows about operator and the operator knows about the Service. I think this is the root cause of your issue.

Actually, that’s what I am trying to get rid of by finding a pleasant solution :slight_smile:

Your example still injects the Service into Operator which is what I want to avoid though.

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