Access index of struct item field in Golang

Is there any possibility to change character with some index in struct field if it is string?
I mean I can do such manipulations with string type:

    func main() {
        v := "Helv"
        v[3] = "p"

How can I do same thing with struct fields? Below assignment doesn’t work.

    type ik struct {
        a int
        b string

    func main() {
        f := ik{1, "Pasis"}
        f.b[2] = "r"

I can’t do this even this way (without errors but nothing changes):

   type ik struct {
	a int
	b string

func main() {
	f := ik{1, "Pasis"}

	x := f.b
	strings.Replace(x, string(x[0]), "r", 1)

unfortunately, I do not know which string to be replaced. I mean for ex I’m getting struct from DB, Matching it’s one field (string) with regex, if it has 5 letters and start with “A”, i need to replace 2nd and 3rd letters with “*”. Can you advise how to achieve this?

if someone needs, I did it like this

package main

import (

type ik struct {
	a int
	b string

func main() {
	f := ik{1, "Pasis"}

	a := []byte(f.b)
	a[2] = 'r'
	f.b = string(a)

Hey @kocharli, congrats on the first post :slight_smile:! Yeah, that makes sense since strings in go are immutable types (read-only byte slices). So, in reality, your first block of code wouldn’t work

I found this reading very helpful at explaining how strings work in go.

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