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I’m trying to write my first “hello world” and getting my feet into the Go World
Now the problem it’s giving all kinds of error
This is my path
The Code;
package main
import “fmt”
func main() {
Println (“Hello Go World”)
Then I run the go run main.go command
This is what it returned on the terminal;
The system cannot find the file specified
And below are the five problem attached with it
*Could not import fmt (cannot find package “fmt” in any of compiler BrokenImport) [Ln, Col 9]
C:\Prog Files\Go\Src\fmt\fmt (from $GOROOT)
C:\User\ABC\go\src\fmt (from $GOPATH)
“fmt” imported but not used compiler (UnusedImport) [Ln 3, Col 9]
main redeclared in this block compiler" (DuplicateDecl) [Ln 5, Col 6]
main.go [Ln 5, Col 6]: other declaration of main
main redeclared in this block (see details) compiler (DuplicateDecl) [Ln 5, Col 6]
main.go [Ln 5, Col 6]: main redeclared in this block [Ln 5, Col 6]: other declaration of main (this error)
undeclared name: Println compiler (UndeclaredName) [Ln 6, Col 1]