

I got computing skills with mothers milk and proudly owned an Amiga 500 as my first own calculating machine. The purchase of an additional device, called "Action Replay", changed my life: I learned thereby, among other things, Assembler and transformed from gamer to developer. Then I learned C (ensuing Basic & Pascal, of course) and studied - History :slight_smile: I have been living in two worlds since then. The discovery of Linux in the mid-1990s opened new horizons for me and I got rid of windows in speed of light. I learned C++ afterwards and was the only student in the department who wrote theses in latex and used MySQL for social sciences at the late-1990s. Then I was forced to work with PHP for several years, started a long-term relationship with Python and now do earn my money developing Java and PostgreSQL (PL/SQL). Finally I have fallen into a hot love with the programming language Go and am currently teaching it (and other IT knowledge) to students of digital humanities.