Why similar call but have big performance difference in benchmark

In my project https://github.com/bigpigeon/toyorm

I run test with benchmark and log it’s cpu profile

go test -v -db sqlite3 -cpuprofile cpu.prof -memprofile mem.prof -mutexprofile mutex.prof -bench=Find$ -run=^$

and then I find the two function performance difference is big

=========== sqlite3 ===========
connect to :memory: 

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/bigpigeon/toyorm
BenchmarkStandardFind-4   	   20000	     66013 ns/op
BenchmarkFind-4           	   10000	    116879 ns/op

but they call is similar in flame graph

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Can you point to the code?

here is benchmark code

At a glance,

  • The two things are quite different, so I’m not sure why the surprise that they benchmark differently?
  • You’re calling b.StartTimer() where you probably meant b.ResetTimer(), so at the moment you’re also benchmarking the inserts.
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  • yes but insert and CreateTable/DropTable just run once,they use few resource so that pprof ignore they data

  • BenchmarkStandardFind & BenchmarkFind all have insert and CreateTable/DropTable operation

  • I comment b.StartTimer() get similar result

jiadeMacBook-Pro:toyorm jest -v -db sqlite3 -cpuprofile cpu.prof -memprofile mem.prof -mutexprofile mutex.prof -bench=Find$   -run=^$  .
=========== sqlite3 ===========
connect to :memory: 

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/bigpigeon/toyorm
BenchmarkStandardFind-4   	   20000	     63300 ns/op
BenchmarkFind-4           	   10000	    119001 ns/op
ok  	github.com/bigpigeon/toyorm	3.410s

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