What will this code print (garbage value converted to string)?

	s := make([]int, 500)
for i := range s {
	s[i] = i

v := unsafe.Pointer(&s)
v2 := (*string)(v)

fmt.Println("v:", v)
fmt.Println("v2:", v2)
fmt.Println("*v2:", *v2)

So, when converting this unsafe.Pointer to a string, am I correct in believing that whatever happens to be in memory at that location will be interpreted as:
first 8 bytes: a pointer to the string characters (produced by the size value of my s slice, namely value 500)
next 8 bytes the length of my string (produce by the capacity value or my slice, namely 500 in this example)

When I print this string value, why does it not show me the 500 runes (whatever was inmemory converted to runes) starting at address 500 in my program’s virtual address space ?

A string is not a sequence of runes, it’s a sequence of bytes. Your bytes contain a lot of nulls and control characters which might confuse you when looking at the printed output in a terminal. (Printing with fmt.Printf(“%x\n”, ...) might clarify.) Otherwise I think you have understood the mechanism of the unsafe conversion about right.

And there is of course no guarantee that the memory layout of []int and string have these similarities in general, but in the current go implementation that is the case.

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