Hi, Let’s say I have two result set from database which I’ve already added to array sucessfully: resA and resB
I want to render them within one template by executing: tmpl1.ExecuteTemplate(w, "Index", resA, resB) But it wil fail I know.
How these type of things are done in go template?
In my template I want to access them like this:
{{range .ResA}}
resA field-1 is: {{.resA-f1}}
resA field-2 is {{.resA-f2}}
{{range .ResB}}
resB field-1 is: {{.resB-f1}}
resB field-2 is {{.resB-f2}}
Thank you @calmh, I have a code below, I am trying to give my template one top level object that contains the other things. In my case I want to give to Data struct both res and resm arrays.
I know I am missing something and getting an error:
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:132:36: cannot use &res (type *[]Year) as type *Year in array or slice literal
./main.go:133:37: cannot use &resm (type *[]Month) as type *Month in array or slice literal
I am doing it in a right way or is there a better way to do this?
Thank you in advance for your help.
type Month struct {
Mname string
Color string
Id int
type Year struct {
Yname, Color string
Selected bool
type Data struct {
Years []*Year
Months []*Month
var tmpl3 = template.Must(template.ParseGlob("report/*"))
func ShowMonth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
db := dbConn()
if r.Method == "POST" {
years := r.FormValue("years")
selDB, err := db.Query("SELECT MONTHNAME(Rdate) as months, color, report_monthly_id as id FROM report_monthly WHERE YEAR(Rdate)=?", years )
if err != nil {
resm := []Month{}
for selDB.Next() {
var months, color string
var id int
err = selDB.Scan(&months, &color, &id)
if err != nil {
rep := Month{Mname: months, Color: color, Id: id}
resm = append(resm, rep)
selDB1, err := db.Query("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(Rdate) as years, color FROM report_monthly ORDER BY report_monthly_id DESC")
if err != nil {
res := []Year{}
for selDB1.Next() {
var years, color string
err = selDB1.Scan(&years, &color)
if err != nil {
rep := Year{Yname: years, Color: color}
res = append(res, rep)
// f2 := Month{Mname: "FEB", Color: "BLUE"}
// f3 := Year{Yname: "2018", Selected: false}
person := Data{Years: []*Year{&res},
Months: []*Month{&resm}}
// log.Println(resm)
tmpl3.ExecuteTemplate(w, "IndexReport", person)
defer db.Close()
There is still confusion about structs, slices, slices of structs, and pointers to slices. I think you need to back up a few steps, go through the basics once more to make sure you understand the involved types. Then the templating stuff will make sense.