V2 Module Not Working

I have created a module with several versions v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.1.0, and v2.0.0.
I created a simple application to use the modules. Versions 1.x.x work fine, I cannot get the application to utilize version v2.0.0. Here is the directory structure.

I read this article already Go’s Major Versioning Sucks – From a Fanboy | Lane Wagner

I’m using Go 1.18.

Why is the application using module from version v1.x.x instead of v2.0.0?

// My module published on Github.
├── calc
│   └── calc.go
├── geometry
│   └── cube.go
├── go.mod
├── readme.md
└── v2
    ├── calc
    │   └── calc.go
    ├── geometry
    │   └── cube.go
    └── go.mod
myfirstapp $ cat main.go 
package main

import (
    // v2 path
    // v1 path

func main() {

    // v2 module method NOT WORKING
    s := calc.Add(4, 5, 6, 7)

    // v1 module method WORKING
    //s := calc.Add(4, 5)


v2 module looks like this.

package calc

func Add(args ...int) int {
    sum := 0
    for _, v := range args {
        sum += v
    return sum

func Sub(x, y int) int {
    return x - y

The error message shows that the application is still using the module version 1.x.x.

myfirstapp $ go run main.go 
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:16:25: too many arguments in call to calc.Add
        have (number, number, number, number)
        want (int, int)

Go get install v2.0.0 without any issue.

myfirstapp $ ls -l ~/go/pkg/mod/github.com/brandon/gomath/v2@v2.0.0
total 20
dr-x------ 2 brandon brandon 4096 Apr 11 16:20 calc
dr-x------ 2 brandon brandon 4096 Apr 11 16:20 geometry
-r-------- 1 brandon brandon   53 Apr 11 16:20 go.mod
-r-------- 1 brandon brandon    0 Apr 11 16:20 LICENSE
-r-------- 1 brandon brandon   19 Apr 11 16:20 readme.md
dr-x------ 4 brandon brandon 4096 Apr 11 16:20 v2

Hi @brandon,

What are the contents of myfirstapp’s go.mod?

@christophberger The contents of go.mod are:

myfirstapp $ cat go.mod 

module myfirstapp
go 1.18
require github.com/brandon/gomath v1.0.0
require github.com/brandon/gomath/v2 v2.0.0 // indirect

Maybe because you are using geometry from the v1 module?

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