Unable to update existing nested struct field

I have created Casedetail1 struct in that i have another struct kit details. I need to update KitStatus and KitOwner while pass updated value from main function. Once nested struct is updated I am trying to fetch the parent struct (Casedetail1) to see the updated output. While trying to run the below code in playground it gives me { []} as output. I am getting no value.

package main

import (
type CaseDetails1 struct {

   ObjectType        string         `json:"docType"`
   CaseID            string         `json:"caseID"`
   CaseStatus        string         `json:"caseStatus"`
   KitDetails       []Kit_Details  `json:"kit_Details"`
type Kit_Details struct {
    KitID          string    `json:"kitID"`
    KitStatus      string    `json:"kitStatus"`
    KitTimestamp   string    `json:"kittimestamp"`
    KitSerialID    string    `json:"kitSerialID"`
    KitOwner       string    `json:"kitOwner"`

// Function to update existing field of a nested struct
func method(existingEntity interface{}, newEntity interface{}) {
    entityType := reflect.TypeOf(existingEntity).Elem()
    for i := 0; i < entityType.NumField(); i++ {
        value := entityType.Field(i)
         value1 := entityType.Field(i).Name
        tag := value.Tag
        if tag.Get("readonly") == "true" {
        oldField := reflect.ValueOf(existingEntity).Elem().Field(i)
        newField := reflect.ValueOf(newEntity).FieldByName(value.Name)

          if value.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
            method(oldField.Addr().Interface(), newField.Interface())
          } else {
                if value1 == "KitStatus" || value1 == "KitTimestamp" {


func main() {
    var a CaseDetails1
    b := CaseDetails1{"casedetails", "456", "OPEN", []Kit_Details{Kit_Details{"789", 
    method(&a, b)

Hi subha_sahu,

You indicate that CaseDetails1 has another struct kit details. But it appears it’s not a struct but a slice. The code inside “method” is explicitely targeted to structs not slices. Have a nice day.


I have declared as struct but it indicates as slice. If I want to access kit details struct what all need to change in that code. Please help me on this.


It’s not clear what you are trying to do by reading your code.
Is method supposed to make a deep copy of b into a by using reflect ?

If this is it, I would say you are very far from it.



This is sample case details
“docType”: “caseDetails”,
“caseID”: “456”,
“caseStatus”: “OPEN”,
“kit_Details”: [
“KitTimestamp”: “2019-10-25T10:10:03.029Z”,
“docType”: “kitDetails”,
“kitID”: “789”,
“kitSerialID”: “12345”,
“kitStatus”: “OPEN”
“kitOwner”: “OEM”,
“KitTimestamp”: “2019-10-25T10:10:03.029Z”,
“docType”: “kitDetails”,
“kitID”: “790”,
“kitOwner”: “DIST”,
“kitSerialID”: “123456”,
“kitStatus”: “IN_Progress”
I want to update “Kitstatus” and “KitTimestamp” for “kitID”: “789”
For that if i use method function, and pass all the arguments to method() , can it update kitstatus and kittimestamp filed.
My goal is to update fields in Kit_Details struct.Overwrite old value of kit details struct fields with new value passed using method function.

I hope it will more clear to you. Please let me know if you need more details.Thanks


You don’t need to pass arguments as interface{} and don’t need to use reflect.

You need to pass tow pointers to the struct to method:

func method(a, b * CaseDetails1)

You don’t explain what kind of update you want to do. Here are some hints

  • len(a.KitDetails) will return the number of KitDetails elements in the slice

  • a.KitDetails[i].KitStatus = ... will assign … to the KitStatus field of the KitDetails i. Replace i with a number like 0 or 1 for instance to access KitDetails 0 or 1.


I want to update any field of existing kitDetails struct.


Hi subha_sahu,

Here is a better although incomplete solution of your problem. At least, it shows you how to deal with slices. But as Christophe already said, there’s still much work to do …

package main

import (

type CaseDetails1 struct {
    ObjectType string        `json:"docType"`
    CaseID     string        `json:"caseID"`
    CaseStatus string        `json:"caseStatus"`
    KitDetails []Kit_Details `json:"kit_Details"`
type Kit_Details struct {
    KitID        string `json:"kitID"`
    KitStatus    string `json:"kitStatus"`
    KitTimestamp string `json:"kittimestamp"`
    KitSerialID  string `json:"kitSerialID"`
    KitOwner     string `json:"kitOwner"`

// Function to update existing field of a nested struct
func method(existingEntity interface{}, newEntity interface{}) {
    entityType := reflect.TypeOf(existingEntity).Elem()
    for i := 0; i < entityType.NumField(); i++ {
        value := entityType.Field(i)
        value1 := entityType.Field(i).Name
        fmt.Println(value1, "=", value)
        tag := value.Tag

        if tag.Get("readonly") == "true" {

        oldField := reflect.ValueOf(existingEntity).Elem().Field(i)
        newField := reflect.ValueOf(newEntity).FieldByName(value.Name)

        if value.Type.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
            newSlice := reflect.MakeSlice(value.Type, newField.Len(), newField.Len())
            n := reflect.Copy(oldField, newField)
            fmt.Println("N=", n)
            //method(oldField.Addr().Interface(), newField.Interface())
        } else {
            if value1 == "KitStatus" || value1 == "KitTimestamp" {


You should notice that I commented the recursive call of method because it is inadapted in the general case (uncomment it and you will see). Have a nice day.


Here is an example code to “update” some fields in all KitDetails.


Note that the time stamp has a weird value because of the clock on the playground computer. If you run this code on your computer, the time will be correct.


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