Transformation of Go program

Dear All,
I am doing AST based transformation in Go. I am trying to add an extra import package “manipulate”, and set it to the existing ones. Such that the input and output look like the following:

package main
import (
. “a”
package main
import (
. “a”
. “manipulate”

In the following code. I get the wrong output like:
package main
import (
. “a”
import (

Any help on how to solve the above problem ?

Here is the snippet code:
package main

import (

func exercises1(filename string) {
// Create the AST by parsing the source code.
fset := token.NewFileSet()
node, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {

bascilit := &ast.BasicLit{Kind: token.STRING, Value: "\"manipulate\""} 
identdot := ast.NewIdent(" ")
importspec := &ast.ImportSpec{Name: identdot, Path: bascilit}
import0 := &ast.GenDecl{Specs: []ast.Spec{importspec}, Tok: token.IMPORT, Lparen: 3} 

for _, f := range node.Decls {
	_, ok := f.(*ast.GenDecl)
	if ok {
		list := append(node.Decls, import0)
		node.Decls = list

func main() {

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