package main
import (
type data struct {
name string
surname string
contact string
id string
count int
var stringsetWM = " <<<<>>>>"
var stringsetMM = " <<<>>>"
var stringsetBE = " <<<<< >>>>>"
var stringsetOM = " <<<< Options >>>>“
var stringsetIM = " <<>>”
//I need a user controlled interface for use through out multiple application
//||I created a simple and stable user interface
//Now I need 3 working inner applications. Control, Read and Write
func input(in string) (out string) {
out = in
return out
func main() {
func subMain() {
var in string
//thinking of useing some if and switch code//So far so good on the for switch statement
fmt.Println(stringsetWM+"\n", stringsetBE+"\n", stringsetIM+"\n", stringsetBE+"\n")
//the for loop should start here
for {
sInput := input(in)
switch sInput {
case "1":
//if there is only read a write and build logic then
//this option must be something with build logic
case "2":
//this will be option two. I dont know if i had a choice
case "3":
// console applications 3 options fmt no http package here
//so i can read files and probably ports as well
//i can write files and to ports
//if any other key is inputed this message appears and it waites again
fmt.Println("Sorry Command invalid.")
//With these the options as part of the base core of the application
//the options from then on could be endless
func option1() {
//this first option is to be part of a control system
fmt.Println(“This is something special it leans on the power of the command prompt”)
//lets think! the most important power of the console to talk to ports!!
func option2() {
//this second option is to be the read from part
fmt.Println(“Welcome to option 2. Where you can read a text file”)
func option3() {
//This third option is to be the write to part
fmt.Println(“This option is to write to file as an output some how”)
func readfile() {
//readfile was code i made the other day then I pasted it in here
//Process : recieve the file name from the user input
//Process : read the file that the user has pointed to
//Process : read the data and process it in some way
var filepath string
fmt.Println("Please Enter the Name of the File you are looking for?")
fileinput := input(filepath) + ".txt" //works Now
file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileinput)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error finding file.", err)
var sFile = string(file)
// string converts the target data to string data
var theCount int
var unSpec int
var sKey string
var oKey string
//first we create scanner as a NewScanner and point it to the sFile
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(sFile))
//here is where we split the scanner data file to scan word by word
//declareing oKey data and asking for input from the user
fmt.Println("Please Enter the word you are looking for?")
oKey = input(sKey)
// the for scanner.Scan() will run through each line of the text data and loop
//until it reaches the EOF condition as true.
for scanner.Scan() {
var stringScan = scanner.Text()
switch stringScan {
case oKey:
//Word Counter
//Word finder and Counter
if theCount < 1 {
fmt.Println("Sorry the word you where looking for could not be found")
if theCount > 0 {
fmt.Printf("The word %s was found %d time(s).\n", oKey, theCount)
func writefile() {
var name string
var in = input(name)
file, err := os.Create(in + ".txt") //This code piece should create a file called ...
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Failed to create file.", err)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Created File Successfully.")
defer file.Close()
//after creating the file, I need to now write some data to it
var path = in + ".txt"
// open file using READ & WRITE permission
var oFile, error = os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR, 0644)
if error != nil {
defer oFile.Close()
var person data = "Name\n"
person.surname = "Surname\n" = "ID Number\n" = "Tel No\n"
// write some text line-by-line to file
var hello, _ = oFile.WriteString("Hello Golang Programmer\n")
fmt.Println("Hello Here and Hello there", hello)
//if err != nil { return }
var message = "Example only. Imagine more\n"
var msg, _ = oFile.WriteString(message)
fmt.Println("Printing..", msg)
_, err = oFile.WriteString("This is the end\n")
if err != nil {
// save changes
err = file.Sync()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("==> Done writing to file <==")
//Most likely going to be called writefile()
//Then after that there will be