Store data on map / struct

hey guys
im new at go and i will be happy to simple help to understand the lang.

i have items as i scraped , simple things like pics , prices and title of item now i can print each value , but how i can store that values on array ?

finally i want to get array of items

e.DOM.Find(".sresult").Each(func(index int, item *goquery.Selection) {

		items := item
		price := items.Find(".prc .bold").Text()
		title := items.Find(".vip").Text()
		pic, _ := items.Find(".imgWr img").Attr("imgurl")
		fmt.Println(index, title, price, pic)


someone ?

The first thing I’ll say is that you probably don’t want an array, and probably want a slice instead. In Go they are similar, but have some major differences.

Looking through your post it’s hard to provide specific guidance because we don’t have enough context to fully understand the code. I also have never used goquery so I’m not entirely sure how everything works. It looks like you have printing of the items figured out, next you just need to add them to a slice.

The Go tour does a good job at explaining Arrays and Slices, and I would suggest going through that if you’ve not already:

You can use a slice of a struct. For example

type MyItem {
Index int
Title string
price float64
Pic string

var items []MyItems

// Create item
item := MyItem{ 1, “Item Title”, 100.25, “MyPic.png”}

// Add to slice
items = append(items, item)



This is a great read on how to start with slices in go

thnx guys

i am understanding teh basic of data structchers ,my only problem is to work with dynamic data.
i will explain with Yamil_Bracho example

package main

import (

type MyItem struct {
Index int
Title string
price float64
Pic string

var items []MyItem

func main() {
item := MyItem{1, “Item Title”, 100.25, “MyPic.png”}
item = MyItem{2, “new Title”, 150.25, “MyPic.png”}

// Add to slice

items = append(items, item)


// Create item

final result is just the last item added to the slice , and i want to create list of items and convert them to json together

You are creating a first item, then overwrite it instantly, and then only append the last item to an empty slice.

func main() {
  item := MyItem{1, “Item Title”, 100.25, “MyPic.png”}
  items = append(items, item)
  item = MyItem{2, “new Title”, 150.25, “MyPic.png”}
  items = append(items, item)

Is probably more what you want.


If you want to convert your data into json output, then just marshal the data.

package main

import (

type Item struct {
   Index int
   Title string
   Price float64
   Pic string

func main() {
   item := Item{1, "Item Title", 100.25, "MyPic.png"}
   item = Item{2, "new Title", 150.25, "MyPic.png"}
   b, err := json.Marshal(item)
   if err != nil {
   	fmt.Println("error:", err)
   fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n",b)	


Result: {"Index":2,"Title":"new Title","Price":150.25,"Pic":"MyPic.png"}

Playground -

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