Starter code (base, template) for creating go web applications

I’m looking for testers to try this new CMS starter framework I wrote. I started learning go about 2 months ago. The results of all that learning is this project. I would like to know what other codes think of it. I do not know anyone that knows anything about coding golang and that’s why I’m posting here. It would be nice to get some feedback so I know if I’m on the right track or not.

Please understand that I’m new to go and my goal with this post is to get feedback from people. The feedback I’m looking for is things like style and the quality of my coding. I would like to know things like, is the code easy to understand, any problems with my methods, better ways to do things, etc.

Anyone interested can get the code on github at “unodan/gobase”,

My main feedback is that it needs documentation.

Also, what are the CVS files for?

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