Serving static files the right way

Hey folks!

Want some feedback on my small side project. I’ve worked a lot with Django in the past. When I started to learn Go I felt the lack of many familiar tools. One of these tools was static files management. Django has built-in command collectstatic to collect asset files from a different locations, tag file names with a hash and copy them to a separate directory. collectstatic also fix references to other assets in .css files. I tried to find similar tool in Go and community packages but to no avail. So I decide to write my own implementation.

It has a very simple usage.

  1. Install go get -u
  2. Run collectstatic --output web/staticfiles --input assets/static --input media/ to copy and tag files from a different locations to the output dir.
  3. Serve files via http.FileServer:
staticFilesPrefix := "/static/"
storage, err := staticfiles.NewStorage("web/staticfiles")
http.Handle(staticFilesPrefix, http.StripPrefix(staticFilesPrefix, http.FileServer(storage)))

You also be able to get reverse link to a processed file in templates:

staticFilesPrefix := "/static/"
staticFilesRoot := "output/dir"

storage, err := NewStorage(staticFilesRoot)

funcs := template.FuncMap{
    "static": func(relPath string) string {
        return staticFilesPrefix + storage.Resolve(relPath)
tmpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(funcs).ParseFiles("templates/page.html")

Now you can call static function in templates like this {{static "css/style.css"}} which will be converted /static/css/style.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css (hash may vary).

Hope someone find it useful and want some feedback on how to make it better.