Roundrobin implementation of offset value in Golang for number of records fetched from couchbase n1ql query

Hello ,

Can anyone please help me to add the RoundRobin logic for offset limit ? Only using 10 threads i should be able to create offset value and assign offset value in roundrobin way between 10threads . Am fetching 3million records from couchbase which internally causing n1ql timeout . This will solve my issue <could anyone please help me on this ?

    query := "select count(1) as count from `" + configuration.BucketName + "` where APPID='" + configuration.APPID + "'"
    var countVariable int = 0
    countVariable = countVariable + 1
    fmt.Println("countVariable value: ", countVariable)
    rows, err := cluster.Query(query, &gocb.QueryOptions{})
    if err != nil {
    var row map[string]interface{} //To fetch n1ql query output
    for rows.Next() {
        err := rows.Row(&row)
        if err != nil {
    countTotal := int64(row["count"].(float64))
    fmt.Println("countTotal num value : ", countTotal)
    if countTotal == 0 {
        fmt.Println("No rows returned")
    float_offset_count := math.Ceil(float64(int(countTotal) / configuration.Limit))
    offset_count := int(float_offset_count) + 1
    fmt.Println("offset_count :", offset_count)
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {    // should be only 10 threads
        //fmt.Println("Goroutine :",i)
        offset_limit := configuration.Limit * i  // limit is 20000
        go n1qlFetch(i, &wg, offset_limit)   // This function contains n1ql query which fetches 3 to 4 ,million records

Am trying implement the logic as below

total documents - 2000000

limit :20000
offset : 2000000/20000 = 100
threads :10

so offset value will be as below :

thread 1 [0,20000,40000,60000,80000,100000,120000,140000,160000,180000,200000] --> 0 to 2lac records 
thread 2  [220000,240000,260000,280000,300000,320000,340000,360000,380000,400000,420000]
thread 3  ""should be divided same as above
thread 4  ""should be divided same as above
thread 5  ""should be divided same as above
thread 6  ""should be divided same as above
thread 7   ""should be divided same as above
thread 8   ""should be divided same as above
thread 9   ""should be divided same as above
thread 10  ""should be divided same as above

for each ele in offsetlist:
      offset = ele

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