Print time format difference but reflect shows same

I apologize, I am new. >.<


All 6 (reflect.TypeOf) printed the same, but there are 4 different looking dates. I figured there would be at least 4 different types printed.

Is there another way or package that can clearly identify various Date/Time formatting from a String?

Other Thoughts:
Shouldn’t the type print as ‘String’ instead of ‘time.Time’

Hi, @Gabriel_Marquez, I’m getting different output for each line:

t Default Layout: 2009-11-10 23:00:00 +0000 UTC m=+0.000000001

n Default Layout: 2020-02-10 09:10:10.01001001 +0000 UTC

t US Layout: November 10, 2009

n US Layout: February 10, 2020

t ISO Layout: 2009-11-10

n ISO Layout: 2020-02-10

Program exited.

What are you getting?

I’m referring to ‘time.Time’ is all the same even though there are different looking dates.

That’s because you’re writing: reflect.TypeOf(then).String(). reflect.TypeOf gets you a “type” object (like System.Type in .NET or java.lang.Class in Java (I think; I don’t really know Java)). Then you call String on that type object and get the name of the type.

Is there a function that prints out the constant name that a string matches for me to check if its a date?

Like if had a string that said ‘Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006’ could it tell me the type is ‘ANSIC’ without me building some sort of switch myself?

Does a package exist that you know of that would tell me things like ‘layoutUS’ or ‘layoutISO’ just from looking at a string?

I don’t think there’s any way to do that with the standard library.

I’m curious: What project are you working on where you need to know the way a time is formatted?

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