Please tell me at least helpfull google request (Image/color)

Hi, there!
Sorry for two times nub question)
I am new not only in go but in programming graphics, images, color etc …
New information is just overflowing, for now.
Is there a simple go way to apply color filter that i have in lookup table to an image?

For now I’m just looping pixel by pixel and interpolating aLot.

I searched on with image filter - Search Results - Go Packages

Is there a simple go way to apply color filter that i have in lookup table to an image?

Gift might be helpful.

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Thanks, I would look in to that pkg.
There is a lot of pkg’s, for example bild, they are all great and could do everything). But I want to implement just a color correction with a lookup table that I already have. Maybe I am wrong, but couldn’t it be done with just std libs like “image/color” and “image/color/palette”?

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