New to Go: SQL to CSV

appreciate it.

I added the log.Println line so I can see the output, and it goes though the 3 dbā€™s but only dumps lines of data from the last db it sees to the csv. so progress thanks.

Try to replace

file, err := os.Create("result.csv")


file, err := os.Create(database_name)

ā€œeach line had lots of string= commentsā€

You can get rid of the types before the values (string=ā€¦ ) by changing the Sprinf



a:= fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" , server_name,database_name,recovery_model_desc,last_full_backup,last_diff_backup,last_tran_backup,days_since_full_backup,days_since_diff_backup,hours_since_tranlog_backup,full_backup_location,diff_backup_location,tlog_backup_location)

Interesting - Create some random text files named after each of the 6 databases seen by the query with differing information in them.

I guess I need to work out how to open the csv leave open , file with the results from all the db scans then close. If thatā€™s possible.

You could make the slice ā€œaā€ a global variable and then write the file after the loop where you read the db data is finished, at the end of the main function.

If I was a coder yes, but alas Iā€™m a just messing. I think I follow the logic. And again thanks Ill play.

ThatĀ“s straight forward, you move

var mapofrows []string

to the top, same place where you have the var db

and then move

file, err := os.Create("result.csv")
checkError("Cannot create file", err)
defer file.Close()
writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
defer writer.Flush()
err = writer.Write(mapofrows)
checkError("Cannot write to file", err)

to the end of your code in the main function.
Now the data from all 3 dbĀ“s is accumulated in the slice and then saved.

I see, so its known to whole project. I had some success with the sqltocsv module, which I might also try and use use you split with to give me another idea. cheers.

Iā€™ve done that, and it now has got all the data from all the rows.

Only small issue is the excel formatting, each line of data is actual inserted into a cell, so I have 14 cells rather that 14 lines. lol

Assuming I put the code in right area.

// Get values from row.
        err := rows.Scan(&server_name,&database_name,&recovery_model_desc,&last_full_backup,&last_diff_backup,&last_tran_backup,&days_since_full_backup,&days_since_diff_backup,&hours_since_tranlog_backup,&full_backup_location,&diff_backup_location,&tlog_backup_location)
        if err != nil {
            return -1, err
		a:= fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" , server_name,database_name,recovery_model_desc,last_full_backup,last_diff_backup,last_tran_backup,days_since_full_backup,days_since_diff_backup,hours_since_tranlog_backup,full_backup_location,diff_backup_location,tlog_backup_location)
	file, err := os.Create("result.csv")
	checkError("Cannot create file", err)
	defer file.Close()
	writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
	defer writer.Flush()
	err = writer.Write(mapofrows)
	checkError("Cannot write to file", err)		

    return count, nil


func checkError(message string, err error) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(message, err)

Is there anyway to control how the csv is built up, as in to populate each row of sql data to a separate row in the csv? rather than it dumping it all into cells on one row.
cheers in advance.

yes, just do this :

file, err := os.Create(ā€œresult.csvā€)
checkError(ā€œCannot create fileā€, err)
defer file.Close()
writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
defer writer.Flush()


// Get values from row.
err := rows.Scan(&server_name,&database_name,&recovery_model_desc,&last_full_backup,&last_diff_backup,&last_tran_backup,&days_since_full_backup,&days_since_diff_backup,&hours_since_tranlog_backup,&full_backup_location,&diff_backup_location,&tlog_backup_location)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
row := make([]string, 0)
row = append(row, server_name)
row = append(row, database_name)
row = append(row, recovery_model_desc)
row = append(row, last_full_backup)
row = append(row, last_diff_backup)
row = append(row, last_tran_backup)
row = append(row, days_since_full_backup)
row = append(row, days_since_diff_backup)
row = append(row, hours_since_tranlog_backup)
row = append(row, full_backup_location)
row = append(row, diff_backup_location)
row = append(row, tlog_backup_location)

err = writer.Write(row)
checkError(ā€œCannot write to fileā€, err)



return count, nil

Thanks for the advice. If I understand changes after the select as below.

	tsql := fmt.Sprintf(sql)

	file, err := os.Create("result.csv")
    checkError("Cannot create file", err)
    defer file.Close()
    writer := csv.NewWriter(file)
    defer writer.Flush()
	 var count int
	 var server_name string
	 var database_name string
	 var recovery_model_desc string
	 var last_full_backup string
	 var last_diff_backup string
	 var last_tran_backup string
	 var days_since_full_backup string
	 var days_since_diff_backup string
	 var hours_since_tranlog_backup string
	 var full_backup_location string
	 var diff_backup_location string
     var tlog_backup_location string

    rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, tsql)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
// Get values from row.
err := rows.Scan(&server_name,&database_name,&recovery_model_desc,&last_full_backup,&last_diff_backup,&last_tran_backup,&days_since_full_backup,&days_since_diff_backup,&hours_since_tranlog_backup,&full_backup_location,&diff_backup_location,&tlog_backup_location)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
row := make([]string, 0)
row = append(row, server_name)
row = append(row, database_name)
row = append(row, recovery_model_desc)
row = append(row, last_full_backup)
row = append(row, last_diff_backup)
row = append(row, last_tran_backup)
row = append(row, days_since_full_backup)
row = append(row, days_since_diff_backup)
row = append(row, hours_since_tranlog_backup)
row = append(row, full_backup_location)
row = append(row, diff_backup_location)
row = append(row, tlog_backup_location)


err = writer.Write(row)
checkError("Cannot write to file", err)  
count ++
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {

    return count, nil


func checkError(message string, err error) {
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal(message, err)

The code now creates a CSV that has one line per row from my DB SQL selection. But only for the last of the 3 databases I am iterating through. Is this restriction of the sqltocsv logic or user error? cheers in advance.

Dear all, any more thoughts?

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