LiteIDE - Code Snippets?

Does anyone know where LiteIDE’s code snippets function is documented or how it works please?

The only reference I can find is here in the roadmap:
“Code snippets (issue #16) (done)”

code snippets are in the file $HOME/liteide/share/liteide/packages/go/go.snippet.json. like the name says is a json format and you can extend the existing snippets conveniently. for example, if you insert

 "info" : "test snippet",
 "name" : "test",
 "text" : "test($write here$){\n\t\n}"

as you see, we have a snippet name, a description (info) and the code inserted.
when you press t in LiteIDE and you chose test the text section will be inserted. note that $ sign mark the region where the prompt will remain.

another example:

 "info" : "test snippet",
 "name" : "test",
 "text" : "test(){\n\t$$\n}"

this will do the same thing but will put the cursor inside the function.

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