HTML Template may invalidate URLs encoded using url.QueryEscape

I hope am not duplicating another discussion topic.


We use the url package to construct URLs that later get embedded in HTML templates using html/template package.


URLs with query strings that are encoded with + for space values get escaped in HTML with + that may invalidate the URL.



Am I wrong to believe that the template package should not escape URLs encoded with +?

use template.HTMLEscapeString instead template.HTML :wink:

Thanks for looking into this George.

I expect my link in the href tag to look like instead of Both template.HTML and template.HTMLEscapeString seem to do the same thing. In fact, we risk double escaping with the latter if you add something like which will result in

Hey @emb,

Have a look at this question here.

I wrote the poster an answer which I believe answers this question too :slight_smile:

Here’s my answer to the poster’s question: Html/template still escaping template.URL in <a href>?

Basically, encoding with &#43; is still correct and if you run the following for an example, you’ll see it still takes you to the correct link:

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
		fmt.Fprintln(w, "<a href=';world'>hello+world</a>")
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil))
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Thanks @radovskyb. I did look at that question initially and was convinced by your answer. It works on most browsers, but not necessarily in all HTML Rendering mail clients :stuck_out_tongue: Which is mainly the use case in our team.

Apart from using url.QueryUnescape(string) (string, error) as a work around before passing the string to the template, do you think there a simpler/cleaner solution?

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Ah ok, I see. Well in that case, I would probably go with using html.UnescapeString, not url.QueryUnescape, especially since for the above example, url.QueryUnescape won’t even turn the &#43; back into a +.


package main

import (

var urlStr = ";world"

func main() {
	urlEsc, err := url.QueryUnescape(urlStr)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(urlEsc) //;world

	fmt.Println(html.UnescapeString(urlStr)) //

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