How to range over slices chunks in golang html template

I need help in ranging over an array and slice in html page. When I try ranging over the arrays and chunks, they are not being displayed in the html page but the header section gets pased over to the html page.

Sorry guys if this is a noob question. Your assistance will be highly appreciated

package main

import (








    //entities ""

    //helpers ""


///This is the header footer struct. This is working alright when passed to the template
type HeaderFooter struct {

    Header, Footer string


///This is the Chunks struct meant to have the sliced chunks and randomized users to be assigned 
//to the Slice chunks.
///This is not displaying in the html form.
type Chunks struct {

    SliceChunks  [][]string

    SliceRandoms []string

    ChunkId      []int


   //Contains data for both Chunks structs and HeaderFooter structs to be passed into a template 
   type Data struct{
	Chunk Chunks
	HF    HeaderFooter

//This chunks the passed array lists to be chunked into chunks that are equal to the number of 
func SliceChunker(items []string, n int) [][]string {

    if n < 0 {

        return nil


    chunks := make([][]string, n)

    for i := range chunks {

        m := (len(items) + (n - 1)) / n

        chunks[i] = items[:m:m]

        items = items[m:]


        fmt.Printf("CHUNK %2d = %d : %v\n", i, m, chunks[i])


    return chunks


///This randomizes the users so as the chunks assignment to the users is not predetermined but 
func SliceRand(sliceItems []string) []string {


    rand.Shuffle(len(sliceItems), func(i, j int) { sliceItems[i], sliceItems[j] = sliceItems[j], sliceItems[i] })

    return sliceItems


//The Index page method to pass data into the html template page
func (d Data) Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

var tpl *template.Template
tpl = template.Must(template.ParseGlob("form/*.html"))

var sliceItems []string
users := []string{"Hosea", "Clarence Obando", "Mukhongo Simiyu", "Jimmie Carter", "Qabale", "McDonald", "Sierra", "Tyra", "James",
	"Kimberly", "Waweru", "Stata", "Karis", "Brigg Symons", "Abdi", "Kuti", "Eliud", "Wolde", "Buno", "Cheptoo Kipsang"}

A2Z := []string{"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
	"W", "X", "Y", "Z"}

for x := 0; x <= 9; x++ {
	for _, i := range A2Z {
		sliceItems = append(sliceItems, strconv.Itoa(x)+i)

d.Chunk.SliceRandoms = helpers.SliceRand(users)
d.Chunk.SliceChunks = helpers.SliceChunker(sliceItems, len(users))
d.HF.Header = "Ukirusha mawe kwa mbwa wengi, atakaye piga nduru ndiye aliye gongwa : The guilty ones are always.."
d.HF.Footer = "He that sleepeth with an itchy ■■■■ wakes up with a smelly finger"
for i := range d.Chunk.SliceChunks {
	d.Chunk.ChunkId = append(d.Chunk.ChunkId, i+1)

tpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", d)
d = Data{}
fmt.Println("END --->>>>>> = ", d)


func main() {

    log.Println("Server started on: http://localhost:8080")

    http.HandleFunc("/", Index)

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {




The HTML part which is in a folder called form looks like this

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <html lang="en">


        <meta charset="UTF-8">

        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">





        <table border="1">









                {{ range .Chunk }}


                    <td> {{ .ChunkId }} </td>

                    <td>{{ .SliceRandoms }}</td>

                    <td> {{ .SliceChunks }} </td>


                {{ end }}






The chunks slices and users slices seem not to be passable to the Index page. Upon passing, they are not displaying on the index form.

The footer and header data is displaying fine but the slices seem to be unpassable

Try making chunk uppercase: Chunk.

I have already done that and it’s still behaving the same way

Maybe show us your actual code.

Please help us to help you by:

  • posting a minimal example that demonstrates the problem
  • wrap your code in code blocks by using the </> button at the top of the edit window.

when i try using a list html item,

{{ range .Chunk.SliceChunks}}


    {{ end }}

It is working but if i do

{{ range .Chunk}}


    {{ end }}

It ceases to work. Where can i have gone

After a long struggle, using li in table td gave me the desired result though I would like to know how I can easily do it without having having to use li in td because in instances where the chunks are very long, they are overlapping but other list items are not realzing it leading to mismatched representation of data.

I would also like to know how one can remove [ and ] from a chunked slices.



                    {{ range .Chunk.ChunkId}}
                    <li style="list-style-type:none">{{.}}</li>
                    {{ end }}
                    {{ range .Chunk.SliceRandoms}}
                    <li style="list-style-type:none">{{.}}</li>
                    {{ end }}
                    {{ range .Chunk.SliceChunks}}
                    <li style="list-style-type:none">{{.}}</li>
                    {{ end }}

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