How to profile a library

I wrote a library [link] which I want to profile using pprof.

I wrote a small executable that would profile it [Playground]; however, when I view the call chart it terminates at “” and says that ~91% of my time is there.

I looked online and cannot seem to find any information and I am sure the answer is something simple that I am just overlooking.

Thanks for any replies!

250ms represents 96.15% of the total runtime. This is too short to meaningfully profile, the amount of time needs to be in seconds at least.

I strongly recommend you write your function as a testing.Benchmark the you get profiling for free and can adjust the amount of time each benchmark runs for.

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I started to write this but you haven’t provided a runnable sample so I couldn’t finish it. This should be pretty close

package vectors

import (


func genFloat32Array(n int, min, max float32) []float32 {
        A := make([]float32, n)
        for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
                A[i] = gomath.ScaleFloat32(min, max, 0, 1.0, rand.Float32())
        return A

/* stuff */
const (
        N = 100000000

/* stuff */
var (
        A = genFloat32Array(N, 0.0, 1.0)
        B = genFloat32Array(N, 0.0, 1.0)

var result []float32

func BenchmarkDotFloat32(b *testing.B) {
        var r []float32
        for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
                r = DotFloat32(A, B)
        result = r
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Thanks for the reply.

I already have some benchmarking code written, but I am not sure how I would profile it since the profiling tool requires an executable to run. Maybe the answer is in one of the links so I will check those out.

I think I figured out what is going on. The function that it shows does not call anymore functions. It was showing all the functions but I was just too confused to realize it.

Thanks again!

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