How can i insert value to my sql table

Hi All
when i run this function all the values are null .I have attach my code. Could you please some one correct it
import (
_ “
var db *sql.DB

func init() {
var err error
db,err = sql.Open(“mysql”,“root1:root1@tcp(localhost:3306)/lgforusage?charset=utf8”)
if err != nil{
if err = db.Ping(); err != nil {
fmt.Println(“You connected to your database”)


func ReadFiles(locationPath string) (string,error) {
var lines string

folder, err := ioutil.ReadDir(locationPath)
if err != nil {
//return nil,err


for _, f := range folder {
file, err := os.Open(locationPath+f.Name())
//lines ,err := ioutil.ReadFile(locationPath+f.Name())
if err != nil {
//return nil,err

var sb strings.Builder
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line:= scanner.Text()

lines = strings.TrimSuffix(sb.String(),",")
linejoin := strings.Join(strings.Fields(lines),"")

if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {

return lines,scanner.Error{}
func readline( liness string ) {
s :=strings.Split(liness,",")

fgusagesplit := strings.Split(forgusage,“MB”)
fgusagesplitvaltest :=fgusagesplit[0]

fguintval,err := strconv.ParseInt(fgusagesplitvaltest, 10, 64)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“ForGUsage not compatibe null”)
fmt.Printf("%T\n", fguintval)
//LoadingTime1,err := time.Parse(“Jan-02-2006”,LoadingTime)
//if err != nil{
// //panic(err)
// fmt.Println(“Time Convert Error”)
fgusageval,err := strconv.ParseInt(fgusage,10,32)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“FourGUsage cannot be null”)
enusageval,err := strconv.ParseInt(enusage,10,32)
if err !=nil{
fmt.Println(“Ethanet useage cannot be null”)
ossidusageval,err := strconv.ParseInt(ossidusage,10,32)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“OOP Meadia value cannot be null”)
boingousageval,err := strconv.ParseInt(boingousage,10,32)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“BoingoUsage value cannot be null”)

landlineusageval,err := strconv.ParseInt(landlineusage,10,32)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“LandLineUsage value cannot be null”)
restrouterval,err :=strconv.ParseInt(restrouter,10,32)
if err != nil{
fmt.Println(“reset value not display”)
dt:= time.Now()
systemtime:= dt.Format(“01-02-2006 15:04:05”)
//UpTimeVal,err := time.Parse(“2006-06-02”,UpTime)
//if err != nil{
// fmt.Println(“UpTime value cannot bernull”)

fmt.Println("LocationName = ",locationname)
fmt.Println(“Mac =”,mac)
fmt.Println(“FourGUsage =”,fguintval)
fmt.Println(“LoadingTime =”,loadingtime)
fmt.Println(“FGUsage =”,fgusageval)
fmt.Println(“ENUsage =”,enusageval)
fmt.Println(“OSSIDUsage =”,ossidusageval)
fmt.Println("BoingoUsage = ",boingousageval)
fmt.Println(“LandLineUsage =”,landlineusageval)
fmt.Println(“UpTime =”,uptime)

_,err =db.Exec(“insert into forgtb(locationname,mac,fgintval,loadingtime,fgusageval,enusageval,ossidusageval,boingousageval,landlineusageval,uptime,resetrouterval,systemtime)values (’$1’,’$2’,fgintval,’$4’,fgusageval,enusageval,ossidusageval,boingousageval,landlineusageval,’$10’,resetrouterval,systemtime)”)
if err!= nil{
fmt.Println(“insert query not working”,err.Error())


func main() {
var locationPath =“E:/”



my Db output is
| locationname | mac | fgintval | loadingtime | fgusageval | enusageval | ossidusageval | boingousageval | landlineusageval | uptime | resetrouterval | systemtime |
| $1 | $2 | NULL | $4 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | $10 | NULL | NULL

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@sudesh can you wrap your code in three back ticks or post it into the Go Playground?

Here is a link talking about the use of code blocks; it works the same way here with the three back ticks:

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It would be better if you provide reproducible sample.
For now I only can recommend read this article:

Inserting records into a PostgreSQL database with Go’s database/sql package

and Go database/sql tutorial

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