Highest Rank Number in an Array ,If there is a tie for most frequent number, return the largest number among them

type or paste code here
func HighestRank(a []int) int{
	count :=1
   var tempCount int 
	 var popular int =a[0]
	 var  temp int  = 0
	 for i := 0; i < len(a); i++{
	   temp = a[i]// holding the current element at each iteration
	   tempCount = 0//this is maintain for counting the frequency of each elements so must be start from zero 
	   for j := 1; j < len(a); j++{
		 if (temp == a[j]){//counting the frequencies 
		   tempCount = (tempCount +1) }
	   if (tempCount > count){// current element count is greater than the previous holding value of count 
		 popular = temp//then have current element into popular 
		 count = tempCount//make highest frequencies as count upto 
	 return popular

func main() {
	arr := []int{30 ,30, 10, 10, 20, 20}//output 30
	ret := HighestRank(arr)

The problem with your code is lackof checking the frequency of temp and popular are the same.
I did some modifications (Also return the frequency of the number)

func HighestRank(a []int) (int, int) {
	popular, count := a[0], 1

	 for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
	   temp, tempCount := a[i], 1

	   for j := i + 1; j < len(a); j++{
		 if (temp == a[j]){ 
	   if (tempCount > count || (tempCount == count && temp > popular)){ 
		 popular = temp 
		 count = tempCount
	 return popular, count

thank you for the response