What would be the best practice way of handling a single table design, e.g. from Dynamo DB?
Suppose we have this example table “Cart”:
Id | SubType | Additional attributes ...
abc | Product_def | Milk (Name) | $1 (Price)
abc | Product_ghi | Coffee (Name) | $5 (Price)
abc | Member_jkl | Tanax (Username) | emailaddress@example.com (Email)
abc | DeliveryAddress_mno | Some Address 123 (Address)
Fetching a specific row, e.g. Id = "abc" && SubType = "Product_def"
is easy, you can parse that as a product since you know it’s a product. But when fetching the full cart, i.e. Id = "abc"
, you’ll get multiple rows of different types with different attributes. Products has Name and Price whereas for instance Members has Username and Email.
I’ve seen a few ways that could work to parse these dynamic fields.
One way could be to have a large struct that has all possible available fields of all sub types, then you could have helper methods to help you get what sub type it is and then get a specific struct based on that.
type MyLargeStruct struct {
Id string
SubType string
Name string
Price string
Username string
Email string
Address string
type Product struct {
Id string
SubType string
Name string
Price string
func (mls *MyLargeStruct) IsProduct() bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(mls.SubType, "Product")
func (mls *MyLargeStruct) GetProduct() *Product {
return &Product{ copy fields values to product here.. }
Another way could be to simply parse each result row to a var line map[string]interface{}
and then based on if strings.HasPrefix(line["SubType"], "Product")
you could marshal it to json, then unmarshal it to a specific Product struct.
Which one of these would you suggest? And are there more options that I haven’t thought of?