GO TESTING What must I do for succesful testing this function?


What must I do for succesful testing this function?

func TestIntSliceToString(t *testing.T) {
expected := "1723100500"
result := IntSliceToString([]int{17, 23, 100501})
if expected != result {
t.Error(“expected”, expected, “have”, result)

func IntSliceToString(sl []int) string {

var str string
for _, v := range sl {
	str = str + string(v)
return str


To test you likely just need to split the code into two files - one is your main code for the package and the other is your test. Eg I might do:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/github.com/joncalhoun/something
nano $GOPATH/github.com/joncalhoun/something/str.go

Note: Replace nano with whatever text editor you use

Then add the following code to it:

package something

func IntSliceToString(sl []int) string {
	var str string
	for _, v := range sl {
		str = str + string(v)
	return str

Then for the test create a file named str_test.go in the same directory.

nano $GOPATH/github.com/joncalhoun/something/str_test.go

And add the following source code.

package something

import "testing"

func TestIntSliceToString(t *testing.T) {
	expected := "1723100500"
	result := IntSliceToString([]int{17, 23, 100501})
	if expected != result {
		t.Error("expected", expected, "have", result)

Now to run the tests you would do something like go test in the directory with the code, along with any optional flags you want to specify.

cd $GOPATH/github.com/joncalhoun/something
go test -v

This will run tests and give you output like:

=== RUN   TestIntSliceToString
--- FAIL: TestIntSliceToString (0.00s)
	str_test.go:9: expected 1723100500 have 𘢕
exit status 1
FAIL	github.com/joncalhoun/something	0.005s

The failed test suggests that your code is incorrect (which it is).

In your code you are converting an integer type into a string type without actually changing the data. How you represent “17” in a string is very different from how 17 is represented in an integer. What you really need is something like either the Atoi function (https://golang.org/pkg/strconv/#Atoi) or to use fmt.Sprintf to get a string representation of your integer. Either will work and which is best depends on your situation and your needs.



Change for this

var str string
for _, v := range sl {

	s := strconv.Itoa(v)
	str = str + s

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