"go get problem"

My English is not good.

I had a problem downloading the third party library.

e:\officeCode>go get -v https://unidoc.io/unioffice/
go: github.com/unidoc/unioffice@v1.3.0: gzip: invalid header

I haven’t had a solution for a long time.

If you want to install this package, you should do

$ go get github.com/unidoc/unioffice

yes, I’ve learned, The final result :
go get github.com/unidoc/unioffice/
It’s not easy, I’m working on it for an afternoon.

If you search for unioffice at https://godoc.org/, you will get https://godoc.org/github.com/unidoc/unioffice as the first hit in the result list.

The page for this package shows the import statement:

import "github.com/unidoc/unioffice" 

This directly translates to the go get command to use. Easy :slight_smile:

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