I’m working my way through the web development with Go Udemy course by Todd McLeod and really enjoying and benefitting from it. So much so that I have been able to build my first html reports using Go templates. I really enjoyed building that as it bound together a large number of techniques into a something ‘real’.
I’m moving on now to a project which I suspect is going to be a challenge.
I want to build a dashboard style webpage which will pull data (metrics) from a handful of different sources (using SQL/Rest) and render them as a composite view of a particular environment. I know html/css/javascript/jquery reasonably well and I wish to hook these metrics up to instrumentation widgets to produce a professional looking application.
I will need the dashboard to refresh every 30s or so, which I don’t think should be too tricky as it only takes Go about 8s to complete all the GET’s and Query’s needed to populate the map which I am injecting into the template.
Where I would appreciate opinions/advice:
Thus far I have been using the simple webserver boilerplate code from Todd’s training section 6. lecture 46 ‘creating a static file server with Go’. Its great for serving up the dashboard… that should work fine for the initial render of the page/template - but I can’t see how to handle the 30s refresh needed. Should I serve the page as one Go channel/routine and then run the creation of the page in another? They should work okay together to produce the desired effect, right? Or is there a better way to handle it?
For the application I have described, would I be better using Node.js for the webserver side and Go for the creation of the content being served up?
My progress with Go so far seems to be based on a lot of blood and tears, just about getting what I want/need, then someone comes along and says… “Oh, you could have used xxxx”, then when I look at xxxx they are right and I go back and redo it. This time I’d really like to research and choose in advance which packages will work well for me.
Anyone know of any starter or demo projects that do this kind of thing to give me something to study?
Would appreciate any thoughts/guidance.
Many thanks!