Error in Go compilation for INFLUXDB

During go compilation as per the video - I am getting an error.

C:\Go\projects\\influxdata\influxdb>go get -u -f ./…
package /C/Go/projects/ unrecognized import path “/C/G
o/projects/” (import path does not begin with hostname)

C:\Go\projects\\influxdata\influxdb>go build ./…
can’t load package: package ./…: no buildable Go source files in C:\Go\projects

so how to do compilation of GO to run the influxDB.

InfluxDB recommends using a pre-built package.

If you can’t for some reason, #7251 seems to indicate the windows build process changed, and that video is no longer correct. Refer to appveyor.yml for details on how they build it.

Now, just from those errors, I guess that %GOPATH% is not set correctly. However, I don’t have a windows machine to replicate that on.

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