Dereferencing the pointer

I’ve the below code using Google Map Matrix:

package main

import (


func main() {
	api_key := "xxxxxxx"
	c, err := maps.NewClient(maps.WithAPIKey(api_key))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fatal error: %s", err)

	r := &maps.DistanceMatrixRequest{
		Origins:      []string{"Dammam"},
		Destinations: []string{"Riyadh"},
		ArrivalTime:  (time.Date(1, time.September, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)).String(),

	resp, err := c.DistanceMatrix(context.Background(), r)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("fatal error: %s", err)


And getting the output as:

    OriginAddresses:      {"Dammam Saudi Arabia"},
    DestinationAddresses: {"Riyadh Saudi Arabia"},
    Rows:                 {
            Elements: {
                    Status:            "OK",
                    Duration:          14156000000000,
                    DurationInTraffic: 0,
                    Distance:          maps.Distance{HumanReadable:"410 km", Meters:409773},

From the output above, I need to print the Duration and the Distance.HumanReadable, i.e.
I need to get: 14156000000000 and 410 km

So I can convert the trip duration to hrs and minutes as:

   value := 14156000000000 // value is of type int
    d2 := time.Duration(value)

	hr := int64(d2 / time.Hour)
	min := int64(d2 / time.Minute)
	m := min - hr*60
	fmt.Printf("Time required is: %d H and %d M", hr, m)

I tried:

	x := resp.Rows[0].Elements
	fmt.Println("Duration:", x)

But the output was:

Duration: [0xc000192840]

you receive this Duration: [0xc000192840] because you receive a pointer, just only access the field to get the value

your can see in the test files