Clarification about struct data cycle

In my code, I execute the below block at the init:

package main

import (

type object map[string]interface{}

var Window = js.Global()

type DataBase struct {
	Data, Transactions, ObjectStore, Request js.Value
	Upgrade                                  js.Func

var DB DataBase // All the struct fields are initialized with their zero value

func init() {
	DB.init("dataSet", "table")

Where the func DB.init is:

package main

import (

func (db *DataBase) init(dataSet, table string) {
	var Ok, Err js.Func

	db.Request = Window.Get("indexedDB").Call("open", dataSet, 1)

	db.Upgrade = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
		defer db.Upgrade.Release()
		db.Data = this.Get("result")
		Store := db.Data.Call("createObjectStore", table, map[string]interface{}{"keyPath": "id"}) 
		Store.Call("add", map[string]interface{}{"id": "00-03", "name": "Karam", "age": 19, "email": ""})

		Window.Call("alert", "First record posted.")
		return nil

	Ok = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
		db.Data = this.Get("result")
		stores := []string{table} 
		objectStore := make([]interface{}, len(stores))
		for i, v := range stores {
			objectStore[i] = v

		db.Transactions = db.Data.Call("transaction", objectStore, "readwrite").Call("objectStore", table)
		db.ObjectStore = db.Data.Call("transaction", objectStore).Call("objectStore", table)

		Window.Call("alert", "Database is ready!")
		return nil

	Err = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
		Window.Call("alert", "sorry, could not initiate DB")
		return nil

	db.Request.Set("onupgradeneeded", db.Upgrade)
	db.Request.Set("onsuccess", Ok)
	db.Request.Set("onerror", Err)

The above is using indexedDB API, where db.Upgrade is run only once at the first time the application run (or if the DB had been removed, or new firsion had been assigned)

Then we have the Ok is run first thing in the app everytime the app is run (after upgrade)

I assume with the code above the variable db.Transactions should be existing and attached to the DB as far as the app is running, and I should recall it with any method attached to the struct.

But, when I call (at a later stage) the function Add, that is:

func (db *DataBase) Add(table string, usr map[string]interface{}) {
	var Ok, Err js.Func
	stores := []string{table} // to solve unexpected literal 'employee', expecting method or interface name
	objectStore := make([]interface{}, len(stores))
	for i, v := range stores {
		objectStore[i] = v

	// db.Transactions = db.Data.Call("transaction", objectStore, "readwrite").Call("objectStore", table)

	request := db.Transactions.Call("add", usr)

	Ok = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
		defer Ok.Release()
		Window.Call("alert", "user added.")
		return nil
	request.Set("onsuccess", Ok)

	Err = js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
		defer Err.Release()

		Window.Call("alert", "sorry, could not add user//.")
		return nil
	request.Set("onerror", Err)

I get an error that the db.Transactions that is:

panic: JavaScript error: Failed to execute 'add' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction has finished.

But if I redefined it in my code of the function Add, i.e. uncometting the line:

// db.Transactions = db.Data.Call("transaction", objectStore, "readwrite").Call("objectStore", table)

Then everything is run smoothly!

Any thought?