Circular Imports


I’m having an issue with circular imports in my project. So, let’s say I have two files user.go and post.go that are responsible for handling their respective model.

The user.go file looks like this.

package model

type User struct {
    Email string
    Password string

    FirstName string
    LastName string

and the post.go like this:

package model

import (
    user ""

type Post struct {
    Title string
    Body string

    Author user.User

The above works perfectly fine, however, I want to then define a slice of Post as a property of User like this.

package model

import (
    post ""

type User struct {
    Email string
    Password string

    FirstName string
    LastName string

    Posts []post.Post

Which of course results in a circular import because Post uses User.

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong? If so what is the typical approach to achieve what I’m trying to achieve?


Why import user and post at all of they are part of the same package model?

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