Ccgo compile error: cannot use typ (type MqTypeE) as type uint32 in assignment

Hi, I have a compile problem using native “C” types.
My problem is that the cast from MqTypeE to enum MqTypeE ends up in an error.
BOTH types have the same size uint32

if I skip the MqTypeE definition and replace it with uint32 than it compiles without error

I expect that the cast between the same types does not create an error.


func (this *MqBufferC) CastTo (typ MqTypeE) {                                                                      
  hdl := this.getHdl() 
  var errVal C.enum_MqErrorE = C.MqBufferCastTo (hdl, typ)                                                         
  if (errVal == C.MQ_ERROR) { MqErrorEException((C.MQ_MNG)(hdl), errVal) }                                         


cannot use typ (type MqTypeE) as type uint32 in assignment


MQ_EXTERN enum MqErrorE
MQ_DECL MqBufferCastTo (
  MQ_BUF const buf,
  enum MqTypeE const typ
) __attribute__((nonnull (1)));

MqTypeE in go:

type MqTypeE C.enum_MqTypeE

MqTypeE in C:

enum MqTypeE {
  MQ_BYTT = (1<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_1_BYTE),  ///< Y: 1 byte 'byte' type
  MQ_BOLT = (2<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_1_BYTE),  ///< O: 1 byte 'boolean' type
  MQ_SRTT = (3<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_2_BYTE),  ///< S: 2 byte 'short' type
  MQ_INTT = (4<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_4_BYTE),  ///< I: 4 byte 'int' type
  MQ_FLTT = (5<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_4_BYTE),  ///< F: 4 byte 'float' type
  MQ_WIDT = (6<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_8_BYTE),  ///< W: 8 byte 'long long int' type
  MQ_DBLT = (7<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_8_BYTE),  ///< D: 8 byte 'double' type
  MQ_TRAT = (8<<4 | MQ_TYPE_IS_8_BYTE),  ///< T: 8 byte 'transaction' type
  MQ_BINT = (9<<4                    ),  ///< B: \e byte-array type
  MQ_STRT = (10<<4                   ),  ///< C: \e string type (e.g. with a \\0 at the end)
  MQ_LSTT = (11<<4                   ),  ///< L: list object type