YottaDB is a mature, proven, free / open source multi-valued key-value NoSQL database. Between YottaDB and the upstream GT.M, the code base currently runs some of the largest real-time core-banking systems as well as nation-scale electronic health record systems. From a technical perspective, features that set YottaDB apart from other databases include a database engine that runs in process address space (with processes cooperating to manage the database), ACID transactions implemented using Optimistic Concurrency Control, real-time database replication both for business continuity as well as for applications like reporting, decision support, fraud detection, etc. Since it first went into production in 1986 the code base has seen continuous investment in enhancements and fixes. YottaDB is available for Linux on the 64-bit x86 architecture, as well as Linux on ARM for both 32- and 64-bit architectures. You can also run it in a Docker container.
All of our software is free / open source; our revenue comes from providing support on commercial terms with assured service levels, and from funded enhancements.
We are announcing a YottaDB Go API (which we call a wrapper). Although YottaDB itself is mature and proven, the Go wrapper is new, and we are currently designating it as field test grade, meaning that it is suitable for development and testing, but not yet for live production use. In the near future (several weeks to a small number of months), we plan to follow-up with a production grade release.
Apart from package documentation at Godoc, YottaDB and the Go wrapper have detailed user documentation on the web site.
Please use YottaDB and tell us what you think.
Thank you very much.
– Bhaskar (yes. it’s my last name, but that’s what everyone calls me)
K.S. Bhaskar
President, YottaDB LLC
40 Lloyd Avenue, Suite 104
Malvern, PA 19355, USA
+1 (610) 644-1898 landline
+1 (484) 873-4467 Google voice
YottaDB - Rock solid. Lightning fast. Secure. Pick any three.