Add XML elements using data from slice

Hello all,

I’m making a simple program which perform some XML API calls. In one of the calls I get data in a slice, which contain ID’s. My next step would be to put those ID’s inside of XML body and make another API call.

Normally I would send an XML body like this:


but in my case I would like to insert several tags with all the ID’s I have stored in my slice. For example


Then I would like to know how I could create the XML body inserting the content of my slice?

Thanks very much,
Alejandro B.

Please check
Just paste your xml and the application generates its correspoding golang structure

type Packet struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"packet"`
	Text     string   `xml:",chardata"`
	Customer struct {
		Text          string `xml:",chardata"`
		GetDomainList struct {
			Text   string `xml:",chardata"`
			Filter struct {
				Text string   `xml:",chardata"`
				ID   []string `xml:"id"`
			} `xml:"filter"`
		} `xml:"get-domain-list"`
	} `xml:"customer"`

Hi Yamil,

thanks for your help!

I already hace the structure. but my question is, how can I insert in

				ID   []string `xml:"id"`

my slice which was the result of another api call? I see in the example you pasted here, the ID parameter is a Slice string []string.

Thanks and all the best

To access the ID slide you can use some code as

package main

import (

type Packet struct {
	XMLName  xml.Name `xml:"packet"`
	Text     string   `xml:",chardata"`
	Customer struct {
		Text          string `xml:",chardata"`
		GetDomainList struct {
			Text   string `xml:",chardata"`
			Filter struct {
				Text string   `xml:",chardata"`
				ID   []string `xml:"id"`
			} `xml:"filter"`
		} `xml:"get-domain-list"`
	} `xml:"customer"`

func main() {
   rawXmlData := "<packet><customer><get-domain-list><filter> <id>138</id><id>139</id><id>140</id><id>141</id></filter></get-domain-list></customer></packet>";
var packet Packet 
    xml.Unmarshal([]byte(rawXmlData), &packet)

fmt.Println(packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID)

Hi Yamil,

I understand it, but in this case you are extracting the ID from the XML, in my case I want to insert the ID’s in the XML. I already manage to run unmarshal properly to get some information.

But for what I want to achive, I need to build the XML body and adding the ID’s I already have in my slice.

Maybe I’m not explaining properly what I want to achieve.


Just create the corresponding field as slide

packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID =  make([]string, 2)
 packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID  = append(packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID , "10001")
 packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID  = append(packet.Customer.GetDomainList .Filter.ID , "10002")

Thanks! I will give it a try and come back to you!

All the best

Hope this helps!!!

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