Hey there! I’m new to ActiveState, and also new to this Go community as well so am just catching up on older threads - but I think the responses here get it right that those in large organizations have different needs when compared to individual developers for example. Large organizations often want to be able to standardize on a particular version, some may have policies about pulling source code from public repos (and so we provide pre-compiled packages), concerns about licenses that are compatible with commercial usage, etc. All things that many developers probably don’t give too much thought to but that are definite concerns for those in larger orgs.
That said, I want to say that we’re also really committed to growing the adoption of Go and contributing positively to the community. In fact, my primary role is to listen to developers in the community and make sure that they have a voice within ActiveState, and that we’re actively helping to make the Go ecosystem better.
So, if there are ways that we can contribute, things we’re doing that you don’t like, or things you want to see more of - please reach out and I’m always happy to chat!